Thursday, September 22, 2022
3:30PM - 6:30PM
Evergreen Rotary Park, 1400 Park Ave, Bremerton WA
Senior Citizen Day at the Market
Come to our first-ever Senior Citizen day tomorrow, September 22nd from 3:30PM - 6:30PM. We'll have resources and educational opportunities geared towards senior citizens.
Community booths attending are:
Compass and Clock magazines will be available
Peninsula Community Health Services will have a trivia wheel and giveaways
Home Helpers Home Care will be teaching a fall prevention class at 4:30PM.
We'll also have FREE Covid test kits and masks
Hope you can join us!

Visit the Catholic Volunteer Services booth tomorrow to find out how you can help someone in your community!
Driving seniors to medical appointments, grocery stores & errands
Mileage reimbursement available
Other opportunities: Building Wheel Chair Ramps, Installing grab bars & yard care
Call Rusty 253-502-2741 or Email DianeF@ccsww.org
Volunteer Online registration: https://ccsww.org/volunteer-services-volunteer-kitsap-county/
Accepting new clients: #844-851-9380
Call to see if you qualify for free transportation!

Pet Parade
All pet lovers are invited to join us for our first-ever Pet Parade on our last market day, September 29th at 5:00pm. Costumes are encouraged for pets and people :) For those participating in the parade, sociable animals on leashes are required. Gastro Pup, Bremerton's only independently owned and operated pet supply store, will be handing out free samples for dogs and cats at the end of the parade!
Join us in celebrating another successful season!

Please be a good neighbor and only park in designated car parking areas. There have been complaints that market-goers have been parking outside the 5 designated parking spots in the boating area. Those parked illegally will get a ticket. In case you weren't aware, Kitsap Community Resources has generously offered their parking lot after 4:30PM, they're only a block away! Thank you for your cooperation!

Free COVID Test Kits and Masks
Kitsap Public Health is providing free at-home test kits and high-quality masks to individuals in Kitsap County that are most impacted by COVID-19 or who may have barriers to accessing these supplies through other avenues. If you're in need of these supplies, please stop by the Info Booth.

Market Tokens Are Money!
Do you have any market tokens lying around? Maybe in your glove box, your junk drawer, or at the bottom of your purse? Dig them out and bring them on Thursday! You only have two more chances to use them this season!

Farmers Market Nutrition Program
The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) provides nutrition to income eligible seniors via checks to be used at approved farmers markets. We are excited to announce that 2022 eligible applicants may elect to receive $80 in checks! Please remember that this program is first come, first served until all the checks have been distributed and applications must be mailed in. Applications are available at the Info Booth. If you're unable to come to the market to pick up an application, click here to print one out or to find a list of other places to get one.

T-shirts Now Only $15!
Show everyone who your favorite Farmers Market is! Stop by the Information Booth on Thursday to buy your limited-edition market t-shirt printed by Fingers Duke! Supplies are limited!

Kitsap Harvest Grow-A-Row
Kitsap Harvest gleans produce from around Kitsap County and distributes it directly to community members facing hunger and food insecurity with the help of its volunteers. They are combating hunger and food waste by picking fruit trees, collecting produce donations from home gardeners and community gardens and delivering the food directly to partnering organizations including senior centers, recovery centers and homeless youth and veteran services.
If you have produce you'd like to donate there are donation stations at Bremerton Community Farmers Market, Port Orchard Farmers Market and Kitsap Community Food Co-op.
If you would like to know how you can get involved, sign up as a volunteer on their website! You will be notified of different opportunities including sorting food for delivery, helping at community gardens, delivering food to partnering organizations and more! Sign up for their newsletter and stay up to date on all things Kitsap Harvest! Email info@kitsapharvest.org for questions. Grow-A-Row page/map http://kitsapharvest.org/growarow.php Volunteer Sign up http://kitsapharvest.org/volunteer.php Newsletter Sign up/Event Calendar http://kitsapharvest.org/index.php

SNAP Market Match
How to use SNAP Market Match at the market:
Come to our Information Booth and tell us you’d like to SNAP Market Match
Swipe your EBT card for the amount you want to spend
SNAP Market Match will match up to $40/day/card
*P-EBT cards are eligible for SNAP Market Match
You can use your SNAP Market Match bucks on all of the following items:
Fresh vegetables
Fresh fruits
Fresh herbs
Seeds and plants that produce food (for example, tomato seeds or tomato plants)
All of our farm vendors accept SNAP Market Match for qualifying items!
Market Open 3:30PM - 6:30PM
See you at the market!!!
Vendors This Week:
Davis Farm
Fuentes Fresh Farm
Taylor's Honey Farm
Prepared & Processed Food
Cafe Rendezvous
Heathens Bakery
Sponsors/Community Booths
Compass and Clock magazines will be available
Peninsula Community Health Services will have a trivia wheel and giveaways
Home Helpers Home Care will be teaching a fall prevention class at 4:30PM

VOLUNTEER! Help the Market be even more awesome than it already is! Lend us your skills--both brain power and muscle appreciated--and have a fun and rewarding time at it. To apply go to our website: Help Us Grow | Bremerton Community Farmers Market | Bremerton