Thursday, October 10th, 2024
3:30PM - 6:30PM
Evergreen Rotary Park, 1400 Park Ave, Bremerton WA

Vendors This Week, October 10th:
Foggy Hog Farm
North Mason Mushroom Farm
Taylor's Honey Farm
Abundant Creativity
Callie's Crystals
Cathy's Crafts
Prepared & Processed Food
Community/Sponsor Booths:
Vendor Map for October 10th
You can download the market map here.

Meet Ruff Seas Treats
If you’re lucky enough to share your home with a dog, chances are you give him (or her) a treat now and then, if not several a day. And we think every good boy and girl deserves the very best from Ruff Seas Treats.
In business since March, 2022, Ruff Seas is owned and operated by Dawn Weigel. The name of her business was inspired by Dawn’s love of dogs and her time spent on the high seas. “After teaching math for 14 years, I resigned in 2016. My husband and I sold all our belongings, bought a sailboat and sailed the eastern seaboard, the Bahamas and the Caribbean with our dog Piper. After five years, we sold our floating home and moved to the Pacific Northwest.”
While living on the sailboat, Dawn thought long and hard about what she wanted to do after returning to dry land. “I decided I didn’t want to go back into teaching, at least for the time being. I knew I wanted to do something where I could be home with Piperbecause he started having seizures at the end of our time on our sailboat.” She continued, “I’d been baking treats and cakes for Piper since we brought him home at seven weeks old. While on the sailboat, I baked for Piper and any other pups in theports and marinas we shared. I was able to test my treats out on other "picky"; eaters. I continue to enjoy baking for Piper and our other furry friends.”
Dawn bakes five delicious sweet and savory flavors that even the pickiest eaters and diet-restricted pups will devour with delight. All Ruff Seas treats are made with human-grade ingredients, no preservatives, and lots of love. Choose from:
Banana Beet Biscuits
CheddaBacon Biscuits
Ginger Snap Biscuits
Nutty ‘Naner Biscuits
Tuna Turmeric Biscuits
Besides the Bremerton Community Farmers Market, you can find Ruff Seas Treats at:
The NW Dog in Poulsbo
Gastro Pup in Bremerton
Blue Collar Pet Salon in Bremerton
Willow Treats in Port Orchard
Revival in Port Orchard
Olalla Bay Market & Landing in Olalla
Local Whimsy in Gig Harbor
Online at www.ruffseastreats.com/shop
Ruff Seas has not only inspired much tail-wagging among our four-legged besties, it’s been gratifying to Dawn as well. “Starting this business had helped me become more social and learn more about the community in which we live. We love it here and are honored to get to bake for your furry friend!”
For more information, please visit Ruff Seas’ Facebook page or on Instagram at @ruffseastreats.

Last Farmers Market of the Season
This Thursday, October 10th, is the last farmers market of the 2024 Farmers Market Season. Don't forget to bring your market tokens when visiting. The $5 tokens are as good as cash, and all vendors accept them. The $1 tokens are exclusively for SNAP recipients and can be used for purchases typically made with an EBT card. If you have any SNAP Market Match coupons, don't leave them behind. We will honor expired ones and can be used with our produce farmers and produce reseller vendors.And if you have market currency you didn't use? Don't worry...save it for next May...it doesn't expire!

Did you know you can use your child's Sun Bucks card at the Bremerton Community Farmers Market? Visit the Market Info Booth for more information.

Do you have an idea you think will transform the Bremerton Community Farmers Market? Have you taken an awesome photo at the market you'd like to share? Or has your child has drawn a picture of their favorite vegetable from a farm vendor? If so...please let us know in the Suggestion Box located at the Market Info Booth. We would love to highlight pictures, poems, thank you notes to our wonderful volunteers, vendors, or staff, or an actual suggestion! Please include your name and phone number if you'd like to be entered into this month's drawing for $10 in BCFM market tokens. Of course, you are welcome to stay anonymous if you'd wish. Let's use this resource and start a dialogue about our WONDERFUL farmers market. We value your input...whatever it is!

Parking at the Market
Finding a place to park at the market can be difficult at best! We kindly ask you to be considerate neighbors by parking only in designated areas. Kitsap Community Resources has graciously made their parking lot available after 4:30 PM, located just two blocks away. Note that the boating area has only four designated parking spots for market parking. Vehicles parked outside these four spots in the boating area may be ticketed by Parking Enforcement. Please do not park in front of C.J.'s Evergreen General Store. That is 30-minute parking for customers of that business only. We appreciate your cooperation!

Kitsap Harvest at the Market
The mission at Kitsap Harvest is to minimize produce waste and provide fresh, nutritious, and locally sourced fruits and vegetables directly to low-income housing, senior centers, recovery facilities, shelters, and soup kitchens within Kitsap County. The Grow-A-Row program bolsters this mission by inviting gardeners of all levels, from experts to enthusiasts, to cultivate and contribute surplus produce. Weekly donation stations are established throughout the county for collections, including at the Bremerton Community Farmers Market. In 2022, the BCFM alone amassed over 900 pounds of produce, generously donated by individual gardeners, farm vendors, and patrons who bought extra to give.
Engage in the fight against food insecurity and food waste by supporting the growth of Kitsap County's capacity for sustainable, community driven care. For additional details, visit Programs – Kitsap Harvest or inquire at the market's information booth.

Do You Love the Market? Let Everyone Know!
Businesses, including farmers markets, rely on reviews from the community to get feedback from customers. It also helps businesses get found easier online, builds trust with consumers, and facilitates word-of-mouth advertising. But more importantly, reviews help businesses know what they are doing well and what needs improvement. The Bremerton Community Farmers Market invites you to leave a review on any of the following platforms:

Contribute to making the Market even more incredible! Share your talents—both intellectual and physical —and enjoy a fulfilling experience. To apply, please visit our website: Help Us Grow | Bremerton Community Farmers Market | Bremerton