Thursday, May 19, 2022
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Evergreen Rotary Park, 1400 Park Ave, Bremerton WA
Free Yoga Classes
Thrive Yoga Manette will be with us this week leading FREE yoga classes for all ages and abilities! The classes will be held at 4:30pm and 5:30pm. They have a speaker and microphone so they're prepared to teach large groups! Bring your yoga mat, a friend, and be sure to also catch our...
Chef at the Market Cooking Demonstrations!
Chef Plemmons, Culinary Arts Instructor at OC, will be with us leading two cooking demonstrations this week. He'll be whipping up a nutritious and delicious recipe (that you get to sample!) using ingredients from our local farm vendors. He'll also have a speaker and microphone so invite your friends! Demonstrations will be held at 5pm and 6pm, don't miss it! Plus! Chef at the Market sponsor, Molina Healthcare, has a special gift for all those in attendance!
Help Support the Market
You can help support the market by purchasing a tote bag, t-shirt, or tank top! This year's fun design was created by local artist Evelyn Husband. After each market day the seagulls swoop in to eat whatever food has been dropped so we thought this design was perfect! We'll have totes, t-shirts, and tank tops for sale at the market booth; $15 for totes, $20 for t-shirts and tanks.

How to use SNAP Market Match at the market:
Come to our Information Booth and tell us you’d like to SNAP Market Match
Swipe your EBT card for the amount you want to spend
SNAP Market Match will match up to $40/day/card
*P-EBT cards are eligible for SNAP Market Match
You can use your SNAP Market Match bucks on all of the following items:
Fresh vegetables
Fresh fruits
Fresh herbs
Seeds and plants that produce food (for example, tomato seeds or tomato plants)
All of our farm vendors accept SNAP Market Match for qualifying items!
Market Open 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm!
See you at the market!!!
Vendors This Week: Farmers
Prepared & Processed Food
Sponsor/Community Booths

VOLUNTEER! Help the Market be even more awesome than it already is! Lend us your skills--both brain power and muscle appreciated--and have a fun and rewarding time at it. To apply go to our website: Help Us Grow | Bremerton Community Farmers Market | Bremerton